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Eutopia Portraits

This series is a pointed investigation into the summits and valleys of faces, reflecting the distortions of our partial gazes. Eutopia Portrait is also an enthusiastic search of the self, through a shaky lens on different traits of a person’s face. It brings up the theatrical and the honest, the monstrous, as much as the harmonious.


Observing these faces, the viewer is observed back. But changing angle, moving closer, taking a step back, the spectator keeps seeing something else. Many masks and multiplied faces. These images bring to light different perspectives, discover bits of personalities, while the viewer switch from a partial understanding to an equally biased perception.


This series wants to pose a Pirandellian question. Can we be aware of our multitudes at the same time?


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Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 86 cm


Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 60 cm

Rebecca, 2016

Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 60 cm


Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 60 cm


Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 60 cm



Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 60 cm


Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 60 cm

Valentina, 2014

Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 50 cm

Erik, 2014


Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 70 x 70 cm

Sweta, 2014

Fine art print on folded paper
edition 2 (+1 a.p.)
size 50 x 50 cm

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